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发布日期:2024-10-06 18:39:02 浏览次数:
本文摘要:This is the 22-year-old computer wizard who put a stop to the ransomware virus that caused chaos around the world.一位22岁的电脑大神密码了在全球导致恐慌的勒索病毒。

This is the 22-year-old computer wizard who put a stop to the ransomware virus that caused chaos around the world.一位22岁的电脑大神密码了在全球导致恐慌的勒索病毒。The British surfer, named as Marcus Hutchins, became an ‘accidental hero after halting the global spread of the unprecedented attack.这位英国网虫名为Marcus Hutchins,这场病毒突袭因他没在全球蔓延到。

He stopped the virus in just a few hours - by which point, it had brought chaos to the NHS and thousands of other victims.他在几个小时内就中止了病毒——到那个时候,这种病毒早已在英国国家医疗服务体系造成了暴乱,给成千上万的受害者带给了困难。It is thought he did this from a small bedroom at his parents home, packed with video games and takeaway pizza boxes.据信他是在父母家归属于他的那间小小的卧室里已完成自己的英雄业绩的,卧室里四处是网络游戏光碟,还有披萨店内的包装盒。One of Marcuss friends said that the surfer - who had been tweeting anonymously by the name MalwareTech - was just doing his job when he put a halt to the spread of the virus.Marcus仍然以MalwareTech的网名混迹在推特网上。

Marcus的一个朋友说道:他把中止病毒蔓延的英雄伟业当作了自己的“例行公事”。Marcus realised that by registering a website domain name the virus code could be stopped.Marcus找到,只要登记一个特定网站的域名就能阻止病毒程序的运营。Computer experts have warned the block on the virus may only be temporary and the hackers could easily start up a new one capable of infecting millions more computers within days.电脑专家警告称之为,对病毒的截击有可能只是继续的,黑客可以轻而易举的创立一个新的域名,迅速就能之后病毒感染千百万的电脑。

